Initial Evaluation

What is the First Office Visit Like?

Dr. Mitchell is a psychiatrist serving Louisiana and California via telepsychiatry. The first visit may be a similar experience to other medical professionals that you have seen in the past. During your initial visit you and Dr. Mitchell will review your full medical, psychiatric, psychosocial, spiritual and family history. It is important to obtain an accurate medical history because certain conditions such as hypo/hyperthyroidism, anemia, vitamin deficiencies, anemia, post-stroke, and dementia, may present with psychiatric symptoms. This initial appointment will last between 50 and 60 minutes.

Can You Diagnosis Me in One Appointment?

Every patient is unique and comes with a history of different symptoms, life experiences, treatment failures, treatment successes and treatment options that have not been tried in the past. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Mitchell uses her knowledge of mental health to help determine an accurate diagnosis or diagnoses. Even if a diagnosis seems obvious, Dr. Mitchell always rules out other conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, anxiety, psychosis, addiction and certain medical conditions. These conditions influence which medications, and/or non-medication treatment options, that would be most suitable for patients. In most cases, Dr. Mitchell will have a good working diagnosis by the end of the initial session. Although, it can take several follow up sessions in some cases to further clarify the diagnosis.

How Does My Diagnosis Affect My Treatment Plan?

A patient’s treatment plan is based on many factors, including the severity of the symptoms, how much their condition is impacting their ability to function at work and/or home and their history of previous treatments. Additionally, every patient has preferences about taking medication, focusing on psychotherapeutic interventions, what types or medications and other treatments they would prefer. All of these factors are used to individualize a patient’s treatment plan. Dr. Mitchell uses a wholistic, biological, psychological, spiritual and social approach to customize her recommendations to each individual patient and their unique needs and goals.

What if I want to be Diagnosed but I do Not want Medication?

Dr. Mitchell’s goal as a mental health expert is to first establish an accurate diagnosis (or diagnoses). Only then, can all treatment options be understood. Dr. Mitchell always discusses the most appropriate treatment options. You will never feel pressure to add prescription medication to your treatment, but you can take comfort in knowing the option is available under her care. If you choose pharmacologic support, Dr. Mitchell will clearly explain all the details of your medication and answer any and all questions you may have in regards to the role of medication management.

Dr. Mitchell is a highly skilled, LSU trained clinical psychiatrist who is dedicated to collaborative therapeutic effort. She treats each patient with warmth and compassion, and designs an individualized treatment program that integrates the most effective therapies and medications for each patient’s unique body composition, spiritual beliefs and lifestyle.

When paired with ongoing and constructive therapy, medication can be a highly effective component of managing conditions such as depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. In addition to medication management, Dr. Mitchell also successfully treats insomnia and sleep disorders, performance optimization, social and other phobias, as well as unwanted habits and procrastination difficulties with counseling and behavior modifying medication.

Through psychotherapy and medication Dr. Mitchell will expertly give you the support you need to overcome obstacles. Her extensive training makes her the perfect guide for collaborative counseling at all levels of need.